Sir.Elton John Featured In "Rush Limbaugh Wedding Pics"

Rush Limbaugh caused a stir on the web this week after posting photos of his recent wedding on Facebook. Some of the pictures included Sir.Elton John and his performance at the wedding.

Elton's presence at the wedding raised many eyebrows in the media, considering the singer's outspoken fight for gay rights and Limbaugh's conservative political views.

In his fourth marriage, the 59-year-old conservative radio show host married 33-year-old Kathryn Rogers in Palm Beach, Florida, this past June.

According to blogger David Weigel, the unusual friendship between Elton and Rush is more confusing for those on the political left.

"Honestly I'm more surprised that John took the gig because of his often-stated disgust with how the media treated Hillary Clinton in 2008. If anti-gay rhetoric hasn't played much of a role in Limbaugh's show, sexism against liberal women certainly has. I think liberal anger at John for playing the wedding was more of an issue than conservative confusion about Limbaugh," he writes.
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El Rushbo & Rocket Man

Rush Limbaugh’s wedding photos have been making the rounds online and while Limbaugh and his new bride look positively happy in each and every shot one particular photo stood out to me
Yep, El Rushbo with the Rocket Man himself.
When it was reported earlier this summer, I found myself thinking, "Why on earth would a noted homophobe like Limbaugh invite Elton John a gay man o play at his wedding?"
Well, according to Zev Chafets -the Limbaugh biographer who has made a living of late heaping glowing praise on the radio talker Rush doesn’t hate gay people at all, in fact, he even supports “gay civil unions.”
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Rush Limbaugh Facebook IPAD : Calls Presidet. Barak Obama's Facebook followers "suckers" - Video

Rush Limbaugh, who recently created a Facebook fan page, is trying to build followers on his page by hosting an Apple iPad giveaway if you "Like" his page.
Seems that he's trying out-do President Barack Obama on Facebook with the contest after calling Obama's more than 12,400,000 followers 'suckers.' (see video below)
Prior to Limbaugh's Facebook iPad contest, he posted wedding photos from his recent marriage to Kathryn Rogers to get the fans rolling in. With more than 272,000 fans in just eight days, the conservative radio commentator is making headway -- but he has a ways to go to catch up with President Obama.
If fans of Obama are 'suckers', are those who are trying to win one of nine iPads after clicking 'Like' on Rush's Facebook page suckers, fans or do they just want a free iPad?
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Today, Rush Limbaugh posted to Facebook photos from his recent marriage to his betrothed, Rush Limbaugh’s FiancĂ©e. Twenty images depict Limbaugh and his bride, Kathryn Rogers, at the ceremony, at the reception, and the special performance by noted gay-rights activist Elton John. In browsing the memories, we were curious about the circumstances surrounding each photo. What were the directions and concerns of the photographer? Undeterred by a dearth of actual answers, we simply made them up. Herewith, historical reenactments of what we believe to be the photographer’s cues to her subjects.
“Elton, would you like to remove your sunglasses? It’s not a very good disguise, and, well, anyway, we’re inside. Kathryn, please bend your hand exactly like that, miming the expression ‘twist my arm’ using only your body. Rush, just … do whatever. Thanks.”
“You on the far right! Yes, you. Please look happy. That means eyes off the floor. Clap until someone places a drink in your hands.”
“Is it just me, or does the Breakers Hotel have a monopoly on the world’s supply of rococo chandeliers or what?”
“Are there too many bed sheets strewn haplessly behind the Doric columns? Or not enough bed sheets strewn haplessly behind the Doric columns? Everyone please have a look, and then come find me later at the bar and let me know.”
“Candles, great. Everyone look as solemn as possible, please. It’s a wedding.”
“Oh, god. What is that flash in the background? Did no one look after the candle? Elton is fleeing. Fleeing.”
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Rush Limbaugh Wedding, "Elton John Speaks"

When it was known that Sir.Elton John would sing on Rush Limbaugh’s wedding, we thought it was a joke, but yes Elton John had a job with rush and apparently he got paid $1 million for lending his great voice to the radio host wedding.
Elton John admitted he was surprised when he got the invitation for the job, but he decided to accept it because “Life is about building bridges, not walls.”
He called the newly-weds “were incredibly gracious and very welcoming and very sweet and very appreciative.”
“We have to bring the world together, not apart,” said Elton John’s partner David Furnish who also revealed they had an invitation to go out with Limbaugh to have dinner next time the newly-weds are in England!
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Rush Limbaugh Wedding Photos Are Out and He Makes a Beautiful Bride!!

Elton John
Having scrolled through the photos of Rush Limbaugh's recent wedding at the Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, I'm confused. Did he marry Elton John?

Just look at them! How very open and unabashed they are about their man-love. Shoulders turned into each other -- you don't have to be a body-language expert to know that's a gesture of true affection. Rush and his "traditional" (female) wife are turning their shoulders away from each other, a gesture that suggests the very opposite.

So maybe it wasn't the million-dollar paycheck that appealed to Elton John, who was criticized by gay rights activists for playing a role in Limbaugh's nuptials. Maybe he liked the challenge of seducing one of the nation's most conservative men. If there's a performer who has the stage presence and charisma to pull it off, it's Elton.

In any case, our warm congratulations to the happy couple, as well as to Kathryn Rogers.
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Rush Limbaugh Wedding This Evening Sir.Elton John Performing?

Rush Limbaugh wedding is today! That’s right and the secret location has been revealed, as according to some reports it will be held at The Breakers in Palm Beach.
According to a report by  Elton John would be performing at the wedding of this controversial figure in the USA. But what’s disturbing about all of this is that Rush Limbaugh is known for his very homophobic comments such as these ones.
The report adds Rush is paying Elton John $1 million to perform at his wedding. Could this be true?
“This place is abuzz with Elton John’s diva demands,” a Breakers employee said. “He insisted on really heavy security. There’ll be about 50 private guards on hotel grounds during the wedding.”
Does Elton know Rush is homophobic? Does Rush know Elton John is gay?

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Rush Limbaugh wedding photos Exclusive Gallery

Rush Limbaugh posts wedding photos on Facebook

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has posted pictures of his wedding on Facebook, sparking thousands of comments.
The 63-year-old Limbaugh married 33-year-old Kathryn Rogers in Palm Beach, Florida this June. (It's his fourth marriage). As you can see from the photos, Elton John performed at the wedding -- a surprising choice considering their divergent political views. Blogger David Weigel wrote at the time that while Limbaugh is fairly liberal on social issues, it was still an odd pairing:
Honestly, I'm more surprised that John took the gig because of his often-stated disgust with how the media treated Hillary Clinton in 2008. If anti-gay rhetoric hasn't played much of a role in Limbaugh's show, sexism against liberal women certainly has. I think liberal anger at John for playing the wedding was more of an issue than conservative confusion about Limbaugh.
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Rush Limbaugh Wedding News
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