Sir.Elton John Featured In "Rush Limbaugh Wedding Pics"

Rush Limbaugh caused a stir on the web this week after posting photos of his recent wedding on Facebook. Some of the pictures included Sir.Elton John and his performance at the wedding.

Elton's presence at the wedding raised many eyebrows in the media, considering the singer's outspoken fight for gay rights and Limbaugh's conservative political views.

In his fourth marriage, the 59-year-old conservative radio show host married 33-year-old Kathryn Rogers in Palm Beach, Florida, this past June.

According to blogger David Weigel, the unusual friendship between Elton and Rush is more confusing for those on the political left.

"Honestly I'm more surprised that John took the gig because of his often-stated disgust with how the media treated Hillary Clinton in 2008. If anti-gay rhetoric hasn't played much of a role in Limbaugh's show, sexism against liberal women certainly has. I think liberal anger at John for playing the wedding was more of an issue than conservative confusion about Limbaugh," he writes.
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Rush Limbaugh Wedding News
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